Discover The
of God!
Click the cover to
Learn more about
“The Language
of God in -
the Universe,” A
420-page, illustrated
book showing
the meaning of
The Star Gospel!
Click the cover to
Learn more about
“The Language
of God in Humanity”-
A 660-page book
showing the meaning of
Old Testament Symbols!
Click the cover to
Learn more about
“The Language
of God in History” -
A 520-page book
exploring the Pre Flood
world of the Sethites,
the causes of the
Great Flood, biblical
World History, and
the purpose of Israel
Click the cover to
Learn more about
“The Language
of God in Prophecy” -
A 590-page book,
with 250 pages of
text & illustrations
showing the meaning
of The Great Pyramid!

Speaking Engagements & Special Events
Calendar for Helena Lehman
  Scholar, Scribe, and Artist Helena Lehman is an expert on the allegorical Language of God revealed in the symbolic imagery of Bible prophecies, the Gospel in the Stars (i.e. Mazzaroth), Sethite Astronomy, the Desert Tabernacle, and the prophetic importance of the Pillar of Enoch (i.e. Great Pyramid). Helena is the author of the Language of God Book Series, and the upcoming Pillar of Enoch Trilogy books that are geared toward educating people in Judeo-Christian Theology and History. Helena enjoys sharing her knowledge, and is available to speak at special events. To find out more about Helena’s background, and read her spiritual autobiography, go to the ”About the Author” page of this web site. Please contact Helena directly if you would like to arrange an interview, or to ask about her availability.
Helena Lehman

Upcoming Special Events
  For those of you wondering why the special events calendar for 2008 below is lacking in engagements as compared to 2006 and 2007, it has to do with a temporary lack of funds, and poor advertising choices. As a result, my inheritance money from my father only lasted so long, and after my husband lost his job, it quickly evaporated.
  At the moment, I am spending more time utilizing all the free advertising I can writing interesting articles and book reviews to post on blogs and news sites, and at online bookstores that allow reviews. This has proven to be far more effective at advertising my books and ministry web site than any convention or book fair, which I have found to be an almost total waste of money and time. For all you potential book authors that are here looking for ideas or research information, take note!
  Thankfully, I do have one small but significant event for 2008 on my calendar. Scroll down to find out more about it, and to access the event archives to see photos from previous events, and links to author interviews.
“The ORION Code” Lecture and PowerPoint Presentation, Saturday, July 19th 2008 near Dallas, Texas
What do December 21st, 2012, Bible Prophecy, the Great Pyramid, the Prophet Enoch, Easter Island, Stonehenge, the Gospel in the Stars, and the End of the World have in common?
  Author Helena Lehman will be giving a special Lecture and PowerPoint Presentation explaining their connection on Saturday, July 19th 2008 from 1 to 3 o’clock p.m., in Rockwall, Texas (near Dallas).
  There will be a buffet lunch provided free of charge during the presentation. The afternoon will give attendees an intriguing look at the incredibly powerful spiritual messages written to us in the stars of Orion and Taurus by the finger of God - messages that are mirrored on Earth in the monuments of Old Kingdom Egypt, and at other ancient archeological sites such as Easter Island and Stonehenge.
  Seating is limited to 30 people at this event, so you will need to reserve a place before planning to attend. Each attendee to this exclusive event will receive a free presentation folder containing lecture notes and information about Helena’s books and ministry. They will also have a unique opportunity to buy signed books directly from the author.
To find out more, please e-mail Pillar of Enoch Ministry at: customerservice (at) pillar-of-enoch (dot) com with “Dallas 2008 Lecture” in the subject heading, and a flier will be mailed promptly.

Special Events Archive 2006-2007
Book Expo America - New York City, NY - May 31 to June 3, 2007
  Author Helena Lehman will be attending the Book Expo America Show at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City in June 2007. There, she will be attending publishers’ workshops, and passing out autographed copies of her books, and other promotional materials to prospective retail buyers.
  Book Expo America is held annually. For more information about the event, go to the Book Expo America web site:
Book Expo America
Printer’s Row Book Fair, Chicago, IL - June 9th to 12th, 2007
  Author Helena Lehman will be attending the Printer’s Row Book Fair in Chicago, IL in June 2007. There, she will be selling autographed copies of her books, and passing out promotional materials to prospective readers. Helena will have her own table within the Illinois Women’s Press Association tent circle at this outdoor event.
  The IWPA is the Illinois chapter of the NFPW, or National Federation of Press Women. To find out more about the IWPA, and NFPW, go to www.iwpa.org, or www.nfpw.org.
  The Printer’s Row Book Fair is sponsored by the publishers of the Chicago Tribune Newspaper, and it is held annually. For more information about the event, go to the Printer’s Row Book Fair web site:
Chicago Tribune Printer’s Row Book Fair
CBA - International Christian Retail Show - Atlanta, Georgia -
July 8th to 12th, 2007
  Author Helena Lehman will be attending the International Christian Retail Show at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia in July 2007. There, she will be passing out autographed copies of her books, and other promotional materials to prospective retail buyers from the CSPA booth at the show. The CSPA, or Christian Small Publisher’s Association is a support organization for Christian Small Press Publishers like the Pillar of Enoch Ministry.
  The ICRS is sponsored by the Christian Bookseller’s Association (CBA), and is held annually. For more information about the event, go to the ICRS web site:
International Christian Retail Show
Ready For Download! 1-Hour Interview with Helena Lehman
On The Big Finale Internet Radio Show with Bruce Collins,
Friday, February 23rd, 2007
  On Friday, February 23, 2007, Helena Lehman was a return guest speaker on Bruce Collins’ “Big Finale” Internet Radio Show hosted at: www.fantalklive.com.
  In this segment, Helena answered more questions concerning her fourth book: “The Language of God in Prophecy,” concerning the End Time roles of the United States, Great Britain, and the EU, as well as the nature, and possible identity of the Antichrist. To listen to this archived interview: Right Click Link; Select “Save Target As;” and select location to
download the MP3 audio:
Listen to Helena’s Feb. 23, 2007 Big Finale Interview
Ready For Download! 1-Hour Interview with Helena Lehman
On The Big Finale Internet Radio Show with Bruce Collins,
Friday, January 19, 2007
  On Friday, January 19, 2007, Helena Lehman was a guest speaker on Bruce Collins’ “Big Finale” Internet Radio Show at: www.fantalklive.com. During the interview, she spoke about her fourth book: “The Language of God in Prophecy,” which is an exhaustive study of the Prophecies in the Bible that are tied to the Gospel in the Stars, or Mazzaroth, and the Book of 1 Enoch. She also showed that many prophecies indicate that 2010 AD through 2018 AD are going to be explosively significant years in prophetic history. To listen to this archived interview: Right Click Link; Select “Save Target As;” and select location to download the MP3 audio:
Listen to Helena’s January 19, 2007 Big Finale Interview
  NOTE: Scroll down to find Helena’s August 25, 2006 Big Finale Interview discussing her first book: "The Language of God in the Universe"
Book Expo America - Washington D.C. - May 19-21, 2006
  Pillar of Enoch Ministry had a booth at the Book Expo America Show at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC, on May 19th to 21st, 2006. We were located in Premium Small Press Booth # 635. Many people stopped by to meet Helena Lehman in person, and received autographed copies of her books.
Here are two photographs of the author at the event:
  Book Expo America is held annually. For more information about the event, go to the Book Expo America web site at:
International Christian Book Fair - Dubuque, Iowa
August 4-6, 2006
  Pillar of Enoch Ministry attended the International Christian Book Fair at the Kennedy Mall in Dubuque, Iowa. From August 4th - 6th, 2006. Free informational booklets, bookmarks, and pens were given to visitors and book purchasers.
  In conjunction with the Christian Book Fair, Helena taught a mini seminar in the Community Room at the Kennedy Mall. The title of her seminar was: “If God Speaks To Us In Symbols, Why Can’t We Understand Them?”
Ready For Download! 1-Hour Interview with Helena Lehman
On The Big Finale Internet Radio Show with Bruce Collins,
Friday, August 25, 2006
  On Friday, August 25, 2006, Helena Lehman was a guest speaker on Bruce Collins’ “Big Finale” Internet Radio Show at: www.fantalklive.com. During the interview, she spoke about her first book: “The Language of God in the Universe,” which is an exhaustive study of the Gospel in the Stars, or Mazzaroth, and its connection to Bible characters and prophecies. To listen to this archived interview: Right Click Link; Select “Save Target As;” and select location to download the MP3 audio:
Listen to Helena’s August 25, 2006 Big Finale Interview
IWPA Book Fair - Chicago, Illinois
October 21, 2006
  The Illinois Women’s Press Association (IWPA) Book Fair was held in the historic Chicago Cultural Center building located on Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago, Illinois, on October 21, 2006. Helena was among 30 local and regional authors signing, and giving talks about their books. Here are two photos of Helena at her booth, and on stage being interviewed:
  The IWPA is the Illinois chapter of the NFPW, or National Federation of Press Women. To find out more about the IWPA, and NFPW, go to www.iwpa.org, or www.nfpw.org.
  Events will be posted here as they arise, so please check back here at various times throughout the year for updates.
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