
Pillar of Enoch Ministry Contact and Gift Information:
Gift Methods, Mail-In Order Form, Ministry Location,
Phone Number, And Comment Form

Please Consider A Financial Gift To POEM
Two Ways To Help POEM Via PayPal,
Site Subscriptions or One Time Gifts:
To Unsubscribe:
Thank You For Your Prayers, Gifts, and Patronage!
May Yahshua Our Messiah Bless You For All Your Help!
  The Pillar of Enoch Ministry welcomes your orders, cash gifts, comments, and inquiries. To request information on how to pay for a book purchase, to find out how to get access to download a free e-book for those who are in financial need, or to make general inquiries, please scroll down a bit and use my ministry comment form. Or you may write to or e-mail me using my address for regular mail, or my e-mail address. My ministry telephone number and hours of operation are also listed below.
  If you want to place an order for my books online using my PayPal Shopping Cart, please CLICK THIS TEXT LINK TO GO TO MY POEM BOOKSTORE.
  To Place A Book Order Via Regular Mail, CLICK HERE to open a PDF copy of our brochure that you can print up and send in with your personal information and book order filled in, along with a check or money order. Please mail it to:
Minister Helena Lehman
Pillar of Enoch Ministry
1708 N. 77th Avenue
Elmwood Park, IL
USA 60707-4107
POEM Office Hours, Monday thru Friday,
9 a.m. to 6 p.m., US Central Standard Time (CST).
POEM Ministry Telephone Number:
(708) 977-0115
If there is no answer, please leave a message, and I will return your call. My Ministry is in the United States Central Standard Time (CST) Zone.
Use To Contact Helena With Questions
To E-Mail the POEM Ministry Directly,
Add the @ and . to the E-Mail address below:
customerservice (at) pillar-of-enoch (dot) com
  PLEASE NOTE: I don't show a working e-mail address due to the huge amount of spam and phishing mail my ministry e-mail box received when I did provide a working link.
Why POEM Doesn't Have A Donation Button
  Because I am not registered with the US Government as a Charity or Church (because they have laws in place to silence those who do register from speaking against the government) PayPal won't allow me to use a Donate Button.
  Please Note that when you do give a gift using any of the methods given on this web page, I will acknowledge it with a Thank You Note and Ministry Gift Receipt for Income Tax Purposes by the end of March in the year after the gift was sent. If you need a receipt sooner, please contact me via e-mail or phone using the information on this page.
  For persons residing in the United States, you can send cash gift using a Postal Money Order. These are available at most USPS postal outlets for a small fee. Here is a link to see their low rates for this service:
Rates To Send USPS Postal Money Orders: https://www.usps.com/shop/money-orders.htm
  You can also use Western Union to wire money to POEM in any amount using Helena Lehman's ministry address above, and her telephone number, as listed below. Here is the link to the Western Union web site to find out how to send a contribution:
To Give Using Western Union Online:
  Finally, you can send contributions for under $200.00 using PayPal to deliver a cash gift to this ministry by using their Send Money feature and our ministry e-mail address: customerservice (at) pillar-of-enoch (dot) com. Please specify that it is for Ministry Site Maintenance when you do, as PayPal does not allow ministries without registered tax exempt charity status to use their service to collect donations. All Gifts will be acknowledged with a Ministry Gift Receipt for Income Tax Purposes.
  Though many online ministers use the PayPal Donate button without being a registered charity with the government, it is illegal to do so, though I did not know this, and I used their donate button for several years without a problem. Unfortunately, they took the privilege away from me when my donations exceeded a certain amount, and they feared government fines if they got caught allowing POEM to collect donations without tax exempt charity status.
  The reason this ministry didn't seek tax exempt status is because this gives the government control over the free flow of information by restricting ministries from dealing with political matters. Due to this, many ministries that broke this law by preaching concerning political matters in the 2012 Presidential Election are now facing cash fines and the removal of their tax exempt status.
  To avoid losing my PayPal shopping cart privileges, I can no longer collect any money identified as donations via PayPal. However, I can receive cash gifts if they are for services provided or site maintenance. Here is the link to access PayPal:
To Send Money Via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/home
Send Money to the POEM Ministry Directly, using the E-Mail address shown below. Remember, you need to add the @ and . to the E-Mail address or it won't work:
customerservice (at) pillar-of-enoch (dot) com
Again, Thank You For Your Prayers, Gifts, and Patronage!
May Yahshua Our Messiah Bless You For All Your Help!
